We aim for God-centered worship services where we sing gospel-focused songs and proclaim the excellencies of Christ one verse at a time through expositional preaching.
We seek to be transformed by the renewal of our minds through the faithful teaching of Biblical doctrine that we apply to our lives.
These groups serve to connect believers on a more personal level for intentional fellowship, care, accountability, and community outreach.
Membership in a local church is a way for fellow Christians to publicly identify together as a local group of followers of Jesus Christ. This “joining” together proclaims the church’s intention to live together under the Lordship of Christ and to help each other persevere in the faith. The first step in becoming a member at Abner Creek is to sign up for our “Membership Class,” where you’ll learn what we believe and our philosophy of ministry. These classes are offered periodically on Sunday mornings at 9:30. If you are interested in membership at Abner Creek, sign up for our next class!
We desire for all members to have the opportunity and fulfilling experience of serving in the local church. Not only is it a privilege to serve in God’s church, but we believe each member is gifted to do so in particular ways. We want to help you discover how you can best serve the church in the ways that God has gifted you specifically. If you want to serve, but don’t know where to start, follow the “Begin Serving” link and a member of our staff will be in touch with you soon!
Core Classes
Sundays at 9:30am
Sundays at 10:30am